Photo by <a href="">Joshua Hoehne</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

As I was doing my morning routine, checking my blood sugar, taking meds, etc., diabetes is a real bummer but such is life, I was mulling over what to post today. I thought about one of my pet projects but that’s going to take more time than I have. Unless and until I can build traffic, generate revenue, and hire some help it’s just me. But I digress, as I was checking I came across this article(Mediaite, Jackson Richman). 

In the article, Twitter Co-founder Jack Dorsey lamented over banning former President Donald Trump. Specifically, he was quoted, as “The biggest mistake I made was continuing to invest in building tools for us to manage the public conversation, versus building tools for the people using Twitter to easily manage it for themselves.”


Developing tools so that users can manage moderation for themselves. But lest be clear I am not suggesting that 100% of the moderation be handed over to the users. Maybe, 60-40 or something like that. When I read the quote from Dorsey I immediately thought of Slashdot which has been around a lot longer than Twitter or Facebook and is still in operation today.

Slashdot has a moderation system where users are given moderation status, whereby they have a certain amount of moderation points to use as they see fit. I use to frequent Slashdot and have had moderation status in the past, and while I am not fully sure how the system works. I think that Twitter and other social media could benefit from a user-inclusive moderation system.

How it Might Work

  • X amount of points toward moderation, Slashdot use to give out five
  • Everyone gets moderation points every month but points are not cumulative
  • The use of moderation points can be positive or negative
  • X amount of negative moderation prompts action from Twitter staff

That’s just a few modest suggestions that I think might be beneficial and more workable than just leaving it up to the now-depleted Twitter staff. So Mr. Elon Musk sir, if you are reading this I would be willing to discuss this idea further with you if you are interested. I believe you have access to my contact information on Twitter @NewsDisgruntled. But if not that’s okay an acknowledgment that you’ve read this would be just as good.

Yes, yes, I know that was a shameless plug to get Elon Musk to contact and/or acknowledge me. But as I alluded to in my article on How to Build Credit on a Fixed Income, I am on a mission and one does not give up on a mission, you do whatever it takes to complete the mission. It may take a while, years even, but sooner or later someone of some notoriety is going to talk to me.

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