Photo by Bill Nino on UnsplashPhoto by <a href="">Bill Nino</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”  (Exodus 20:16.). Let’s just be clear on this.

Pale Blue Dot

The world we live in is huge; immeasurable… yet teeny tiny when compared to the vastness of space we are in.  Carl Sagan’s book Pale Blue Dot calls it living “on a mote of dust suspended on a sunbeam.”  If you have ever been near a window on a sunny day.  Rays of sunlight pour forth… you see dust waltzing in those rays… imagine a grain of dust as our planet Earth. If it doesn’t give you a new perspective on just how minuscule we are compared to infinite space… I don’t know what will.

I am reminded of the movie Independence Day, in which aliens were coming to invade and destroy planet Earth.  How people, neighbors, and strangers in communities banded together with one common goal:  To survive.  Yet, when there were no aliens, people ignored each other.  There was no need to know who the neighbors were… let them continue to be strangers.  Life is hard enough as it is to deal with self, why add another person to make things more complicated?

Drawn to Others

Human beings are drawn to others when there is a shared common goal.  When their shared beliefs and core values are systematically defined as a whole.  These core sets of beliefs that are shared are generational.  This can also be defined as a cultural group.  It is a way of life.  It is a way of living.  We want to belong… somewhere.  with like-minded individuals or groups.  It helps to acknowledge our existence and justify our human-ness.  The problem might be, in acknowledging our existence, we may lose the principles of how it is to be a human being, and what it is to be an American.

No Heads in the Sand

Americans can and should band together.  Why wait until there is a real threat?  Your neighbors may not be my neighbors, and my neighbors may not be your neighbors, but that should not be an excuse for us to continue to put our heads in the sand.  For example, if there is a hurricane that has demolished our cities, our regions… a mass destruction that destroyed much in its path.  You can be sure I, and so many people out there will join search and rescue teams, or any teams formed to come into your neighborhood and aid in keeping you and or your loved ones safe.  It is the humane thing to do.  It is what differentiates us from other species.  You can be sure of that.  Our differences, I will put aside because something has threatened our existence.  Despite popular beliefs, I do not want only a few survivors here on earth.  I want a whole population of people! Will you join our efforts to live in peace with our fellow man?

Okay to Disagree

It is okay to disagree on a lot of issues we face every day.  It would not do us any good to agree on everything… there would be no growth in our society. We are called to love one another.  Picking and choosing who to love takes more time, and would generate way more headaches than it’s worth.  We let God be the judge.

United We Stand

As Independence Day draws near, we are reminded of our Declaration of Independence.  A truer concept in today’s day and age.  It should be an independence day, free from politics or issues that divide us.  We stand on our right to free speech, but each of us should also allow others to stand on theirs as well.  Let us love and have compassion for one another.  The enemy is NOT within.  Together we stand.  Divided we fall.


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