Photo by Noom Peerapong on UnsplashPhoto by <a href="">Noom Peerapong</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>


I have a confession to make, I had a real hard time trying to keep this one professional. After reading headlines from Rolling Stone and The Guardian, and others about Sound of Freedom. A film about child trafficking, I was thoroughly disgusted with the MSM. Their hit pieces masquerading as a review were so blatantly partisan and unprofessional. I’d have to fight the urge to fire them on the spot if they worked for me. I will touch on these a bit later.

Roger Ebert; however, did not turn a movie review into a political circus and was of course professional, rating the movie at two stars. Which I think is fair considering that its purpose was to raise awareness about child trafficking and not be an action-packed blockbuster.

Spoiler Alert

This article contains spoilers for the film Sound of Freedom. If you have not yet seen the film you may want to click away.

Sound of Freedom

The film begins in Honduras with a little Honduran girl beating on her drum and singing happily without a care in the world. A knock at the door and the girl answers, it’s a woman pretending to be a talent scout. But she is just there to trick the father into bringing his daughter and her younger brother to a phony talent audition. By the time the father returns to pick up his children, he realizes that they have been taken.

The scene cuts to grainy security camera footage of South American children being snatched up from the streets and hauled away. After a minute or two of that, we are brought to California. Agent Tim Ballard and another agent take part in an online pedophile bust. 

A Look into the Child Trafficking Business

Trafficking is a 150 billion dollar a year business, there are more people in slavery today than when it was legal. Millions of them are children. Yet mainstream media outlets are decrying this movie as a Conspiracy: The Guardian, Rolling Stone, Jezebel. This kind of journalism is wholly unacceptable.

I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion does not justify or excuse him.” Abraham Lincoln

The Boy is Recued

After a successful bust in California, Agent Tim Ballard convinced the pedophile he arrested that he was one himself. Which eventually led to the rescue of the boy from Honduras at the southern border of California. The boy is then reunited with his father but also asked Agent Ballard to help him find his sister. Eventually, the sister is rescued as were 54 other children and intelligence also led to the rescue of over 120 other children.

My Thoughts and Rating

Overall I would give the movie two and a half stars for entertainment value. A blockbuster this movie is not. But the purpose is to raise awareness of a real problem. Some parts of the movie were indeed fictionalized but that was necessary for privacy reasons. The movie is worth a watch and I highly recommend you do.  

It would be a mistake to take the movie as gospel, but to call it a Qanon Conspiracy is a disservice to the public. I have tried to reach out to Tim Ballard, and those involved in the movie but have not heard back from them. 

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