Photo by Patrick Malleret on UnsplashPhoto by <a href="">Patrick Malleret</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Maintaining Self-fulfillment

It is important to work at a job that you love. The job industry is vast, and numerous. There is a job for everyone. There are also different scheduling for these jobs. There are seasonal jobs, summer jobs, part time jobs, full time jobs, etc. Whatever job you hold, it is important that you enjoy what you do. Preferably, you are working at a job that you are passionate about. A job that gives you meaning in life, and a certain fulfillment that you cannot find at any other job.

Overcoming Workplace Negativity

People you come across in your line of work, may not share your love. In fact, you might get a lot of negativity, cold-shoulder, or even push back in a toxic work environment with workplace bullying. It is difficult to do the best work you know you are able to do, when there is a lot of negativity surrounding you. Also, work is competitive. There may be people who are vying for your position, and will throw shade your way. Then there may be people who just do not like you, and will make your job a living hell, as they lie, and cheat, and make up stories to get you fired. The challenge then becomes… how to filter out the noise, and do the best job, with minimal distractions.

Understanding Yourself

It’s important to understand yourself; your capabilities and limitations. You cannot change others’ opinion of you. You cannot control others. You can only control yourself, and that is the most powerful weapon you have against your adversaries. You having full control over yourself, your emotions, your own actions is key to your success in a toxic work environment.

Assessing Your Own Role

First ask yourself. Are you the problem? You would have to be honest with yourself, able to get outside of yourself, then you can see better to make a fair judgment. Are you the problem? If you find that you are the cause of this toxic environment, then, what can you do differently from now on to fix this. If you find you are not the problem… Then comes the fun, challenging part. You are going to need to pick and choose what you will allow yourself to respond to, and what you will allow yourself to roll off.

Seeing the Humans Behind the Jobs

People forget that underneath every uniform, is a person, a human with real feelings. Take away each article of clothing, each stitching piece of thread, and underneath it all, is a human being.

People are too busy attacking the job, the title, the position, what the job stands for, the job descriptions, these are all the things that are being attacked… not necessarily the human being that’s working this job.  

People are too busy attacking the job, the title, the position, what the job stands for, the job descriptions, these are all the things that are being attacked… not necessarily the human being that’s working this job.

They say “First impressions are always the best impressions.” So you dress to impress, and your character becomes what you are wearing. Your light bulb may be the dimmest in the room, but if you are dressed smart, you will be considered smart.

The Power Comes from Within

What am I saying? I am saying that there are real people out there with real feelings. Please be mindful of others. Be kind. If you disagree with what they stand for, there are ways to get your message across without being mean, and nasty about it. I think freedom of speech is wonderful, and we should all acknowledge and be thankful for this freedom, however, I also believe that equally as important is to be kind and gracious while using your freedom of speech. It’s not what you say… it’s how you say it. Join the Human League for Peace and Kindness to all men.


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